Sales alerts
Real-time insights into prospects
Your customers are 6x more likely to close the deal if they get served at the right time. When your salespeople get real-time alerts about their prospects’ actions, they can turn that action into revenue.
Benefits of real-time sales alerts:
- Receive real-time alerts, sent to the relevant team member when a prospect from your pipeline is visiting your site
- Ensures your team have all the available information about the prospect’s history and intent prior to making contact
- Send prospects to specific team members based on their strengths and specialities depending on the intent and buying stage of the prospect

Customised automations
Right insights at the right time
Focus on the highest-intent prospects first, right? With customised automations you’ll be able to define what kind of alerts your salespeople are getting = where they’re focusing their time.
You can for example:
- Set specific triggers to notify your teams that prospects are visiting based on their history and intent
- Notify particular team members based on set parameters for each to allow you to leverage your team’s strengths within an industry or position in the funnel
- Book meetings directly onto your sales teams calendar from the tools on the site

Two-way integration
If you know them, show them
With 2-way integration you’ll be able to take the personalisation even further. Connect your CRM system with Leadoo platform, and you’ll be able to amaze your website visitors.
A prospect in the pipeline visiting your website? Trigger a discussion relevant to them. An existing customer looking for support? Trigger a help discussion, with FAQs and possibility to get in touch with your team. A newsletter signee, whose attended five webinars so far? Ask them to have a short feedback session with you, and learn from their experience.
Opportunities are there for the brave. Benefits of this are:
- Always-contextual and relevant conversations with each of your target groups
- Allows you to tailor conversations to the stage of the funnel visitors are in, increasing your chance of converting them
- Easy-to-use platform with simple scripts and the ability to switch bots out based on your parameters
- Make the most of Leadoo’s powerful analytics by enabling two-way integration with your CRM system

Calendar integration
Get meetings directly to your calendar
Prospects are wasting their time if they need to do the calendar suggestion tennis with your sales teams. Give your prospects the opportunity to book a suitable time directly with their own sales representatives, whenever it suits them the best. Calendar integration brings your salespeoples’ calendars available for prospects, and helps with getting meetings booked.
The benefits of calendar integration are:
- No more email ping pong trying to decide on a convenient time
- Reduces time taken to book meetings by making the process more efficient and self-service based
- Prospects are less likely to no show to meetings they have booked in for themselves

Leadoo sales assistant
An absolute must for your salespeople’s personal brands
Prospects are wasting their time if they need to do the calendar suggestion tennis with your sales teams. Give your prospects the opportunity to book a suitable time directly with their own sales representatives, whenever it suits them the best. Calendar integration brings your salespeoples’ calendars available for prospects, and helps with getting meetings booked.
The benefits of calendar integration are:
- Allows your sales team to create conversations specific to the types of customer they deal with
- Ensures prospects can book meetings with your team at a time that suits them
- Protects your team’s time by setting restrictions on when prospects can book in (such as during closing hours) and provide an automatic buffer between meetings