Source Insights
Know which sources contribute to different phases of buyer journey
We provide you with independent data about your traffic sources. You’ll be able to see which sources bring visitors to your site the first time, which sources are effective when nurturing, and which sources are the best when converting.
What you can see with Source Insights:
- Which sources bring the best results, easily compare different traffic sources to see which ones perform the best
- Attribution modeling of your website conversions, so you know which sources affect conversions throughout the buyer journey and not just the last click
- Truly see what the buyer’s journey looks like; how many days on average, touchpoints and channels it includes, and interactions it requires to convert.
- Filter specific types of conversions, and analyse these insights in a very detailed view to understand your marketing efforts’ efficiency.
and however else you might need to use it to meet your needs!

Journey Insights
Individual buyer’s journeys, visualised
You don’t have to struggle anymore trying to understand what your buyers’ journeys look like. We’ve made it easy, simple, and visual for you to track everything you need to know.
With Journey Insights you’ll be able to track:
- Full-length buyer journeys, not just the first and last touchpoint
- Every action a visitor has had on your website during their journey
- How long it took for a visitor to convert
- How many and what kinds of touchpoints it took to convert
And even more! Journey Insights expands as far as your imagination goes in terms of use cases and benefits.

Campaign Insights
Attribute incoming revenue to your marketing campaigns
With Campaign Insights you’ll be able to closely follow the buyer’s journeys, regardless of how many touch points there have been. You’ll be able to drill it down to a specific campaign level and see everything it has contributed in terms of further traffic and later conversions.
Opportunities are there for the brave. Benefits of this are:
- You can track UTMs to see the buyer journeys that came through them
- See which campaigns played a factor in converting the visitor later in their journey
- Track the revenue impact of the infamous branding campaigns
With Campaign Insights, you’re able to bring to the table every bit of data you need, to show how effective your marketing efforts are.